12 December 2010

Wiggy & Fabulous ♥

For my readers who know me personally, you know that I am changing and enhancing my look. I love to try new things and keep it fresh. Never expect me to keep one particular look! Anywho, I cut my back in July because I wanted something spicy and refreshing. Plus having short hair is easier maintenance for me and I loved the fact that I could just get up and go. Boy was I wrong about short hair! There were times when I really would just get up and go but then throughout the day, I found myself looking at my hair and saying to myself, "I should've flat ironed that spot." I really hated having bad hair days! So one day, I decided to try on a wig just for the heck of it. At first I was skeptical because I never tried on one before, and I didn't want it to look "obvious" that it was a wig. So I ended up trying on a few and I fell IN LOVE! The one you see in the picture above, I purchased it yesterday and I really love it because the hair is very flowy and angelic. I've purchased other wigs that screamed Diana Ross or Chaka Khan and they are more of my personality because of the big and loose curls. Ladies, please do not be afraid to try new things. It's perfectly normal to step outside of your comfort zone!
Key FAB ♥

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