23 March 2010

I'm a Strong Black Woman with dreams ♥

Good Morning F.I.A. readers,
Today is another beautiful day in the city of Charlotte. Woke up this morning, thanking God for allowing me to see another day. I just want to let my readers know that I am a proud black woman. I love the skin that I'm in and I can't see me being more proud. In my earlier post, I talked about my life experiences and the challenges that I have faced. Well today, I am here to let you know about my dreams and aspirations and how I plan to make them come true. Of course I have a desire to run the fashion industry. I want to be the best fashion journalist or buyer that I can be. I want to reach higher levels on an even higher scale. I know so many people say it is hardwork and its a twenty-four hour job. My response is: SO WHAT? It's my desire and passion, when you're doing something that you love to do, it's never work! I feel that God has blessed me to go get it and make things happen for myself. You only fail, if you allow yourself too. Being a black woman doesn't mean that I have to sleep with every man to feel special, I don't have to call other women b****es or h***, I don't have to hate on other black women success, if anything I want to encourage and have their back like we are suppose to do. I don't have to lower my standards to any man or friends. I am who I am, and you can either love it or hate it but at the end of the day, I am a black woman. I'm Keyia Stanton.
Have an awesome day everyone!
Key ♥

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Right on, girl. You're an inspiration!

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